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May 30, 2021, 9 tweets

5 rare and unique CSS properties that you won't believe exist


1️⃣ touch-action

- The touch-action CSS property sets how an element's region can be manipulated by a touchscreen user (for example, by zooming features built into the browser)

2️⃣ text-align-last

You probably heard of text-aling but have you heard about text-align-last?

It is used to align the last line of a paragraph

3️⃣ image-rendering

The `image-rendering` CSS property sets an image scaling algorithm.

When you specifies dimensions of image other than its natural size then the image will be up/downscaled by user agent using the algorithm specified by image-rendering

Check the output deeply 👇🏻…

4️⃣ aspect-ratio

The aspect-ratio CSS property sets the height and width ratio of box which can further use into some layout and auto sizes

5️⃣ content-visibility

The content-visibility CSS property controls the visibility of element's content.

It is different from visibility CSS property 👇🏻

The visibility property specifies whether or not an element is visible.

That's pretty much it for this thread.

You can now learn CSS in a fun and visual manner through my eBook only for $1

And with this thread, I am giving away 50 copies for free 🤩

Discount Code: free50


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