Peter A. Shulman 📚 Profile picture
Historian of sci, tech, and American politics. Author of *Coal & Empire* w/@JHUPress. Associate Professor of History @CWRU. Edits @HistOpinion. I ❤️ Archives.

May 30, 2021, 8 tweets

Universities and donors alike benefit from donations, but academic freedom depends on a giant firewall between donors and hiring decisions. Good on the UNC faculty for insisting on this, and it’s a sad irony the donor could insist so much on one principle while violating another.

Wood, McPherson, and the few others so misunderstood the nature of this conflict. Nice work.

(Orders of magnitude more historians endorse the project, even if they acknowledge a few inevitable errors. Which by the way Wood, McPherson, and every historian also makes.)


Donor Hussman: White people don’t get enough credit for the Civil Rights Movement.

It’s precisely this demand of white people to be at the center of all American history that the 1619 Project was all about.

Area publisher and donor didn’t consider Freedom of Information laws.


You see, Tucker, there’s entirely too much opinion in journalism today!

Good on this trustee who knows the deal. (Wonder if it’s the same one who blamed the whole tenure issue, accurately, on“politics”)

Yes. This is how it must work. And it’s better to give up the money if donors insist on overstepping their roles.

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