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🔸HRH The ArchBitchess of Mylapore🔸Class Oppressor🔸I make Genghis Khan look like a humanitarian🔸My cigars cost more than your education🔸Pronouns 🖕🏾/🤛🏾

May 31, 2021, 8 tweets

1 Thread on how @Twitter & @TwitterIndia violated their own @Policy terms of service to push a political agenda. The case refers to Shehla Rashid Shora & how twitter management broke the rules for her. Important that @rsprasad @HMOIndia & @DelhiPolice take note

2 how do we know this original account @shehlarashid was hers? Because the soon to be Chief of twitter India as well as several blue tick handles had tagged her & actively interacted with her including @CSR_India & @AJStream

3 note how the @CSR_India link leads directly to a photo of her & quotes of her, on decreasing the age of consent while Raheel’s tagging of her is to do with an @AJEnglish programme on the Nirbhaya Rape case protests.

4 yet despite the ban on her account sometime in august 2013, @TwitterIndia miraculously allows her to activate a new account immediately. 18 months later @verified proceeds to give her a blue tick days after the Tukde-Tukde protests at JNU in February 2016 (Umar Khalid currently

5 in jail on UAPA was also blue ticked almost simultaneously) the funny thing is, that at this point of time, you could only get blue ticked if you knew someone at twitter. Their public verification was announced only in July 2016

6 Think about what happened. Twitter officials knew about & interacted with her previous account, allowed her to circumvent the ban, & within days of the Feb 9th terrorist OGW protests at JNU gave her account (already in violation of their ban evasion policy) a blue tick.

7 mind you, even as per the latest revision of @Twitter @Policy her new account @Shehla_Rashid remains is absolute violation of the rules - note specifically the language “regardless of when the other account was created”

8 forget the laws of India - @Twitter @TwitterIndia & @Policy don’t even enforce their own policies when it’s suits their political agenda. Clearest case of corporate malfeasance, collusion & politicking there is.

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