Thibault Fiolet 🇪🇺 🇫🇷 Profile picture
European staff. PhD in Epidemiology. Ingénieur Sur insta & tiktok : @ThibSciences ⚠️ Personal views. Analyses personnelles

May 31, 2021, 6 tweets

My first PhD article is published!! 🥳

🏭PCBs are persistent organic pollutants and PCBs are “probably in the body of every human” (IARC, 2013)

▪️ Exposure to PCBs in general population is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality…

▪️ Evidence of the impact of background exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on all-cause mortality is limited

PCB compounds have a strong affinity for fats (lipophilia) and gradually bioaccumulate in adipose tissue over time

Consequently, their main exposure route in the general population is through high-fat food of animal origin

We did not find a relationship between exposure to PCBs and all-cause mortality. However heterogeneity was high

Studies assessing PCB exposure in the general population are lacking

Exposure to PCBs in general population (Controls) is really lower than for an accidental exposure (in Yusho incident for example)

Low-dose effect are still under investigation

It was a collaborative work with @mancini_fr @MKvaskoff @MS_Yahya_ @FrenoyPauline

A nice picture to illustrate biomagnification of PCBs (Polychlorobiphenyls)

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