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"One of the great film nerd Twitter accounts" - Vanity Fair 99% space fiction (licenses) and its creation. Email:

May 31, 2021, 6 tweets

After Marooned (1969), I continued my "stuck in space" theme with The Martian (2015). A movie that is both serious and funny, which I appreciate a little more each time. The Hermes is a beautiful ship, the cast is amazing, and the potatoes haven't been so cool since Glados.

I'll do something about this movie. Starting with a real ship thread. But I still have to find resources.

In the meantime, I already have the interior.

I love the screen graphics by @martiromances & @territorystudio

@martiromances @territorystudio Now with concept art, by Kamen Anev.

@martiromances @territorystudio Shocking! The red planet is, in fact, a green planet.

@martiromances @territorystudio Proof that Sebastian Stan can't fly, even in the Hermes.

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