Savvas Stephanides Profile picture
👨‍💻 Developer for 20+ years, here to empower the next generation of developers. 🙌 Building Tech For Humans in public (occasionally)

Jun 1, 2021, 9 tweets

How I made

A thread 🧵👇

1⃣ The stack:

I wanted my website to be as fast and snappy as possible.

Which is why this website is 100% Jamstack. The code, posts, assets are all stored in a repository on Github -….

...and the website itself is made with Gatsby.

2⃣ Hosting

For my website, I wanted for the builds to execute immediately after pushing new changes.

The Markdown blog files, the assets (images, videos), JS files, styling etc are all hosted on Github.

The end result from building the website is hosted and managed on Netlify.

3⃣ Fonts

I chose Pacifico for the top "Savvas" logo

I chose Merriweather Sans for top level headings of blog posts

And finally Merriweather for the rest of the text.

4⃣ Colour scheme

I used this colour pallet I found from ColorHunt. This is a colour scheme I am slightly obsessed with lately:

which I like to refer to as "Neon colour scheme".

5⃣ Markdown to HTML Converter

To convert my Markdown files to HTML while building I used the ShowdownJS package from NPM.

Super easy to use!

6⃣ Code highlighter

Another amazing NPM package is HighlightJS which turns your code into an amazing coloured codeblock.

7⃣ Document head manager

I used React Helmet to manage my <head> tags in Gatsby (mainly the <title> tag).…

Great library and works seamlessly with React or Gatsby.

Thank you for reading. What questions do you have about the way I built Let me know!

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