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Jun 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting in which this decision was taken

@PMOIndia @narendramodi #cbseboardexams2021 #CBSE

[BREAKING] Central government scraps CBSE class 12 board exam for the year 2021

#cbse #CBSE

CBSENEWS: PM directed officials to ensure that the results are prepared in accordance with well-defined criteria, in a fair and time-bound manner.

@PMOIndia @narendramodi #cbseboardexams2021 #CBSE #cancelboardexams #cancelboardexam2021 #cbseboardexams

CBSENEWS: It was also decided that like last year, in case some students desire to take the exams, such an option would be provided to them by CBSE, as and when the situation becomes conducive: Prime Minister Release

#cbseboardexams2021 #CBSE #cancelboardexams #cbseboardexams

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