Gaurav Sabnis Profile picture
Hum bolega to bologe ke bolta hai! Food, travel, nature, history, astronomy, and marketing. Associate Professor @stevensbusiness. Opinions personall He/Him.

Jun 1, 2021, 6 tweets

My good deed for the weekend was introducing @curiousgawker to #Norsemen, arguably the most LOL-funny show in Netflix history. Vikings talking like overly polite modern day Norwegians. This hilariously addresses the fact that real Vikings didn't actually have horned helmets.

This scene always gives me tummy ache 😂😂😂 #Norsemen.

When we first watched the show, they kept talking about going to "the thing" and they eventually went to "the thing" in the season finale. Which is like a tribal congress. We haven't seen the Vikings show so we thought calling it "the thing" was a joke.
(Narrator: it's not)

So when we visited Iceland and found out that their most important historical monument is "Thingvellir", literally "Thing Field", we were most gobsmacked. "The Thing" is the actual Viking/Nordic word for Parliament!

Also "thing" - Cosa Nostra in Italy. "Our thing".

Vikings debating ironic nicknames 😂😂😂

Polite, passive aggressive, and open minded Vikings here. 😂😂😂

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