Nina Brooke Profile picture
Freedom, Justice, Love & Coffee.

Jun 1, 2021, 31 tweets

Biden attending a security briefing at Number 10 Downing Street next to Nick Clegg and George Osborne in 2013....

Nick Clegg and Theresa May 2014

Nick Clegg and David Cameron..2010

Nick Clegg/Jeremy Hunt/David Cameron...

Gordon Brown/Ed Milliband/Tony Blair/Nick Clegg/John Major....

Nick Clegg and Obama....

Nick Clegg and Gates....

Nick Clegg and Hillary Clinton

Nick Clegg and Bill Clinton...

Nick Clegg's wife moans about new life after he takes £15m-a-year Facebook job ..2019…


Mark Zuckerberg and Nick Clegg..

Nick Clegg and Ken Clarke...

Lord Adonis (left), Nick Clegg, Lord Hestletine (right)..

The late Paddy Ashdown and Nick Clegg..

Angela Merkel and Nick Clegg...

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