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artist - pfp by @sohmascurse

Jun 1, 2021, 10 tweets

In honor of pride month I’ve made Patches Pride flag drawings!!

Feel free to use them for anything (with credit please)

Lgbtq+, transgender, bisexual, lesbian

blue rose mlm flag, unlabeled, non binary, asexual

Pansexual, agender, aromantic, genderqueer

Genderfluid, polysexual, abrosexual, mlm/nblm flag

Omnisexual, demiboy, demigirl, aroace


Also if you’d like a flag I haven’t done just dm me or reply with it! + i can also try and do custom patches with multiple flags but I may not be able to!
Please let me know if a flag is not appropriate or I need to change something!

inspired by @/nowornether

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