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Population Europe is the Network of Europe's Leading Demographic Research Centres

Jun 2, 2021, 15 tweets

What are the socio-demographic consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Scholars discuss childcare, social inequalities, data collection and more in our newest discussion paper!

πŸ“’ Stay tuned this week as we share the main findings from each chapter!

πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

πŸ“– 'The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Demography and Demographers' by Albert Esteve and @sergi_tl (@CEDemografia)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

⚰ 'Mortality during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany and Other European Countries' by @MarkusSauerberg (@wu_vienna @WiCVienna)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

😷 'Vulnerable Groups during COVID-19: Comparing Germany and the Rest of Europe' by @LippeElena


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

πŸš‘ 'COVID-19 and Natural Population Development from a Life Course Perspective' by Gabriele Doblhammer @unirostock @DZNE_de) and Heike Trappe (@unirostock)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

βš– 'How the Health Consequences of the Pandemic Depend on Social Inequalities' by @jpheisig (@WZB_Berlin @FU_Berlin)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

πŸ§“ 'COVID-19 and its Psychosocial Consequences for Older People in Germany' by Markus Wettstein (@altersfragen) and Hans-Werner Wahl (@UniHeidelberg)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

🀝 'Contact between Grandchildren & Grandparents during the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Germany' by Alexandra Langmeyer (@DJI_Muenchen)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

🏑 'Impact of COVID-19 on the Transnational Home Care System between Germany and Poland' by Bartig, Harder, Herpell, Nowicka and Schwass (@DezimInstitut) and Kamil Matuszczyk (@UniWarszawski)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

πŸ’Ά 'Socio-Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic' by Markus M. Grabka (@DIW_Berlin) and Carsten SchrΓΆder (@DIW_Berlin @FU_Berlin)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

🏫 'Educational Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning Losses & Growing Inequalities' by @ArunFrey (@OxfordDemSci)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

πŸ’ƒ 'Gender Roles Among Couples in the Care of Children during the Pandemic' by @ale_minello (@UPadua)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

πŸ“ˆ 'Data Needs and Deficits in the Current Research Data Infrastructure' by @AndreasShrugged (@bib_bund)


πŸ”— bit.ly/PE_DP13

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