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An independent community campaigning for gender equity. Authorised: Renee Carr, Fair Agenda, 36-38 Gipps St, Collingwood VIC 3066.

Jun 3, 2021, 13 tweets

.@FairAgenda & @EROCAustralia are extremely concerned that the Morrison Government’s Good Society (aka #milkshakeconsent) website is still littered with harmful & inaccurate content. (A thread)


1) Materials that list ‘eye contact’, ‘smiling with the eyes’ or ‘laughing’ as ‘cues that can convey a yes’

2) Conflicting materials about non-verbal communication that state ‘looking away’ or ‘going still’ indicates a ‘hard no’ and mean ‘don’t ask again’, and then later stating that ‘stillness’ or ‘looking away’ are body language that is ‘unsure’

3) Materials that create a concerning lack of clarity around consent, with statements like: “we need to avoid pressure and coercion, though respectful persuasion can be okay” ...

4) ... and “If a yes is not enthusiastic then it’s a maybe, even a no”. ..

5) “We also have a responsibility to stop whenever the other person says no or isn’t an enthusiastic yes.” ... and “To leave the Maybe Zone, you either need to both agree yes, or someone needs to finally decide no.”

6) Yet another bizarre and problematic video metaphor about a boy not wanting to watch a movie because “I just really hate seeing little children get murdered by clowns”, and then apologising for not speaking up about wanting to stop.

7) Concerning content about relationship break ups, that introduce qualifiers around a person’s ability to end a relationship, like: “strictly speaking, if one person wants to leave a relationship, the other person can’t stop them”

8) ... and “strictly speaking, as soon as Abby says no to the relationship, that’s the end of it--she can walk away, and Euan has to respect her decision.”

Strictly speaking??

9) Concerning messages like ‘sexual desire… can really distort our thinking’

10) A page that directs young people to contact the police if they’re being stalked, but doesn’t provide that direction for any other criminal act described, including sexual assault.

11) Yet another bizarre and confusing metaphors video - this time about eating a taco.

This website needs to be taken down while it's reviewed by experts in violence prevention & comprehensive sexuality & relationships education.
& the Govt need to resource experts to build the capacity of educators to deliver effective content & prevention initiatives in schools.

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