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"One of the great film nerd Twitter accounts" - Vanity Fair 99% space fiction (licenses) and its creation. Email:

Jun 3, 2021, 121 tweets

[Thread] Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction by @propstore_com (June 29th - July 1st 2021)

Among the 1,300 lots of original props, there is a lot of space fiction. From Star Wars to BSG and Trek, please come to see what I'm installing in The Spaceshipper Headcanon Museum. 🖖

I'll start with my favorite lot, and this fantastic V'Ger model from Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979).

I've never seen it before.

We stay with TMP. Who doesn't need a "Space suit prep squence"?

4 years later: Return of the Jedi & this Ackbar head casting 😍

Dedicated to @AdmiralNick22 obviously ✊

Then this wonderful Ackbar prototype mask.

Don't laugh, it's a step in the process and I love it. 😌

Now you can laugh with this Hand-drawn Y-wing pilot cut-out for animatics. With ILM cameraman Peter Romano as the star.

No Return of the Jedi without Death Star turret models.

B-wing, Y-wing, A-wing helmets!

@roger_christian 's Third draft script.

Jedi creature bible <3

Storyboards! Alternate speeder bike design! VFX Wedges Antilles!...wait no

Ralph McQuarrie 👀
Lightsaber duel storyboards...

R2 for X-wing model 👌

Props from Return of the Jedi.

Phil Tippett's Rancor animatics 😍

@ILMVFX crew shirts.

As I had already shown many times, it is often very funny.

Now, The Fifth Element (1997)

Mondoshawan ship concept model 🥰 and things.

Alien (1979)!
Nostromo crew jacket proto, Space Jockey study maquette <3 and USCSS Nostromo patch.

Cutlery set from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).

Anything from 2001 is (g)old.

Jumpsuits from 2010 (1984).

Now: Starship Troopers (1997)

UCF Corvette transport background model!

Props etc from Starship Troopers.

Starship Troopers artworks & storyboards.

That's my kingdom.
Someone rich should buy this and scan it so I can share it here. Please? 😂
(This is only half a joke, I'm doing a lot of research on this movie right now)

Already shown last year, but here's the original Ron Cobb's concept sketch for Dark Star (1974).

Damn, I've already hit the Twitter limit. 😅 So please admire these 3 original Ron Cobb works while I prepare the second part of this thread.

We're back and getting to the heart of the matter with Star Wars (1977).

My fav, the early Star Destroyer design by Colon Catnwell:

Reminder: I made a thread about this design:

Al your fav artists in one picture.

The 1st, original TIE Fighter design by Cantwell.

Nothing I haven't already shared, but always great.

Joe Johnston is still the best.

Hello rich guy, I need to scan and share that ^^

I've never seen these Ron Cobb creature artworks.

This is: collector.

The Death Star after Luke Skywalker.

The Krayt Dragon after Din Djarin.

Steve Gawley is a fantastic model maker.

This si Steve Gawley.

Hello rich guy, it's me again...

It's gold for #VFXarcheology lovers like us.

I need an Intergalactic Passport.

Before the X-Wing game and this X-Wing game and that other X-Wing game...

Now: Aliens (1986)
With a little bit of dropship <3

The Jorden tractor by Ron Cobb!

Batteries Not Included! (1987): Study maquettes, concept art & storyboards.

The Thing (1982)
Rich guy? Are you here?

Now Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) with the Marauder model master!

And an Engineering room artwork by Rick Sternbach.

And this Enterprise artwork from @MikeOkuda great book.

And the gift I would like to buy to @gaghyogi49


Aaaaaand the Twitter limit again.

Before the third part of this thread, a treasure for TNG fans:


Sorry but it's from Star Tours!

Stargate, then Stargate.

Serenity (2005)

We all love Uranus.

Spaceballs (1987)

New mission for rich guy.

Trek movies.

Now Revenge of the sith (2005) with this GREAT
Mustafar surface design maquette. Love to see a step in the process.


This tweet is for lightsabers fans.

The great @DrewStruzan on The Force Awakens (2015):

The Thing (2011)


There was a lot of great models in Independence Day (1996), but just Air Force One here.

Forbidden Planet (1956), Flight of the Navigator (1986), Galaxy Quest (1999), H2G2 (2005)

Still H2G2.

I'm afraid.

The day I meet @TalkingBay94 , we'll probably both wear this on purpose.

The brief LucasArts logo @LucasArtsMemory

Goldmine for me.

Goldmine for you.

ILM weeklies by Dave Carson.

And an Iceman patch because, why not.

[Time to eat]

Alien Resurrection (1997)

Attack of the Clones (2002)

Love this Geonosis arena design maquette:

These miniatures were used as textures.

I'd love to read this Apollo 11 flight plan by Colin Cantwell.


Babylon 5

The Black Hole (1979)

Blade Runner (1982): Syd Mead's work!

Battlestar Galactica (all)

Buck Rogers (1979-1981)

Close Encounters (1977): Ron Cobb & Douglas Trumbull 👌

DS9 & Enterprise

It's time for the Empire to strike back!

Ralph McQuarrie's Cloud City matte concept art!

Lando by John Mollo:

Falcon blueprint:

Tauntaun by McQuarrie:

Carrie Fisher's annoted script...

Storyboards & sketches.

Joe Johnston's Snowspeeder early design.


Falcon landing foot, could be interesting for modelers.

Nebulon-B by (probably) Joe Johnston 😍

Early AT-ST design by Nilo Rodis.

Now: E.T. (1982)

Including the ship leaving Earth, by Spielberg!

Event Horizon (1997)

Flash Gordon (1980)

The Kerner sign 🤫

Lost in Space (1998)

Lois & Clark (1993)

I searched any pics of these models for months 👌

I just had the shuttle:

Storm from Mando (2019).

Men in Black (1997)

Moonraker 6 from Moonraker (1979).

Outland (1981)

Predator I/II
Need these storyboards...

Prometheus (2012)

The Right Stuff (1983)

The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Star Wars Marvel

Total Recall (1990)

The Phantom Menace (1999): Miniatures used as textures.


And that's it.

Other cool stuff:

The End

Don't forget to scan things for me:…

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