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Jun 3, 2021, 9 tweets

Google search tip: search hundreds of newspaper archives via news.google.com/newspapers

Talking about Google News... if you quickly want to read science news in different languages, hack the link as shown here and replace NL by news.google.com/topics/CAAqJgg…
es (Spanish)
eng (English)
de (German)
etc.. (2/...)

If you only want to see the news from the last 24 hrs, add (3/..)

Prefer to search only news about a certain topic published in the last 60 minutes? Do this (4/...)

If you want to exclude your own country (and see what other countries write about a certain topic), you need to go to the normal Google and do this. Example: find out what newspapers outside Germany said about Leipzig in the last 24 hrs (5/...)

If you work in teams, monitoring the same topic, you can share them via a link. Here's how (6/...)

Inside Google News, your keywords will sometimes be translated automatically if they are not in the language of the Google News you are in. As shown here. But that only works in the major languages. (7/7) I Hope y liked my insider tips!

How to solve a problem (I have) with google.news.com : lack of search operators? Well, here is a fix. Use the formula google.com/search?q=myanm…… and work from there, do not use news.google.com/search?q=myanm…… (tnx
@braingain) Next tweet: why you should care. (8/)

Suddenly, you can search for the keyword in old news and do a custom range search. Also, you can sort it by date, which makes news search more chronologically. So that's why. (9/9)

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