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Teaching is my passion. Have taught all grades from K-6. Excited for another year in JK/SK! Class Blog: https://t.co/9MBVvx7cxE

Jun 3, 2021, 5 tweets

This morning, we listened to this fantastic video by @LisaKingHWDSB on the #DishWithOneSpoon Wampum Belt. We stopped throughout the video to discuss her key messages. In this video, C. is sharing how they only “took what we needed” for a nature art project. (A threaded post ...)

Then we spoke about some things we do to keep the earth clean. K. began the discussion by talking about “picking up the garbage.”

This led to C. talking about how we can reuse items instead of throwing them in the trash.

Then we spoke about what we do when we see a problem. L’s starting off the discussion here.

Then we looked at what we do to communicate to others when there’s a problem. I love how students mentioned signs,as this is something we do at school. Telling parents about the problem can also help. Curious to see how students reflect more on these choices as they play outside.

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