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I'm writing a book on how to stay conscious when you drown

Jun 3, 2021, 9 tweets

Cardiff City accounts out for 2019/20: Headlines
Revenue down £80m (64%)
Wages down £17m (33%)
Operating loss of £23m compared to £33m profit
Player sale profits £14m (£2m in 2019)
Player signings £18m

Matchday income halved to £3.7m, Covid did not help but crowds fell too.

TV income down £70m.

Commercial income more than halved in Championship compared to PL.

Total income still higher than most Championship clubs as have first year of parachute payments.

Wages still averaged over £860,000 for the year despite relegation clauses.

Wages were £79 for every £100 of income.

Cardiff made a profit in 2018/19 for the first time in a decade but returned to losses in 2019/20. Player sales reduced these losses by almost £14m

Cardiff invested heavily in player signings in a bid to return to the Premier League in 19/20.

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