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Jun 3, 2021, 5 tweets

'Michel the noble' and 'Panchito the affectionate' are some of the names Leonardo Carrillo has given the pelicans that flock each year to his wooden hut on the southern coast of Cuba 1/5

For the past two decades, the 62-year-old has cared for the colony of around 100 brown pelicans that land in his village of Guanimar in December to spend the winter months there before heading back north in May 2/5

Carrillo said he does have three children - two who live in the Isle of Youth and one who lives in a nearby town. But he has not been able to see them much lately due to the pandemic 3/5

While the pelicans can feed themselves, Carrillo says he also gathers leftovers from the village for them and treats them for injuries caused by fishing hooks 4/5

The pelicans though keep him busy for half the year as he tries to feed them three to four times a day - no easy task in a country going through its deepest economic crisis in decades and suffering widespread shortages of basic goods 5/5

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