Julie McHamish Profile picture
🍒🇬🇧🇪🇺 Mum & wife #afcb & sometimes #pusb #moneysoft Maths geek. I successfully carried a 🦒 across the Irish Sea.❤️#StationEleven

Jun 4, 2021, 6 tweets

If anyone is in any doubt of what the beginning of the #ThirdWave looks like, this is it 👇
@chrischirp @dgurdasani1 @fascinatorfun

There are so many areas that I have narrowed the criteria to area where

>= 30 positive tests on 1 June



Bury Preston Burnely Trafford


Leeds, Dundee, Wigan, Birmingham


Side note - I am so intrigued as to what case rises the Government built in to the reopening on May 17th & whether this is what was expected, or whether this is way beyond that.

Unbelievable that the line still is 'there's nothing in the data to suggest 21st won't happen!'

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