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Jun 4, 2021, 7 tweets

1/ Hong Kong's Victoria Park - the iconic venue for the only annual commemoration on Chinese soil of the Tiananmen Massacre in Beijing on June 4, 1989 - stands empty and barricaded at 8pm on Friday, the first time in 32 years.

2/ Hundreds of police officers were deployed at Victoria Park on Friday evening in anticipation of people showing up for the city's annual Tiananmen Massacre vigil in defiance of a police ban.

3/ Hundreds of black-clad activists roamed the streets around the park holding electronic candles as police sought to disperse them, unfurling flags warning they were in breach of the law. Police widened their cordon around the park and kept people and onlookers moving.

4/ Activist Raphael Wong of the League of Social Democrats was stopped and searched by police just before 8pm near the park.

5/ Wong Yat-chin, a member of the activist group, Student Politicism, was arrested after police warned the group about setting up a street booth in Mong Kok.

6/ Some people chanted pro-democracy slogans including "liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times," which the authorities say is illegal under the security law.

7/ Near Victoria Park water fountain, police asked reporters not to block the exit, saying people inside needed to come out.

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