Seamus Blackley Profile picture
them:'you're the father of the xbox!' me:'if it moves back in, it’s paying rent.' | physicist | 👊🏿👊🏽👊🏻| photon herder | gastroegyptologist | nerd | 🇺🇦

Jun 4, 2021, 12 tweets

As many of you know, last week we had an accidental delivery of liquid nitrogen to our lab. So we decided to put it to good use...

We shrunk some semiconductors to see the effects...

So today, for Friday lunch, we decided to try “Cryo-Frying” some steaks! (And chicken and mushrooms). This technique utilizes LN2 to freeze a crust on sous-vided meats so they can be deep fried to finish without overcooking. Fist step this morning was the sous-vide...

Next, we are going to dip the finished steaks into LN2 to freeze a 3-5mm layer at the surface...

First comes the dip, for 30s. Yes we are nerds.

Then, into the 200C oil for 55-65s...

...and out comes a PERFECT GOD DAMN STEAK....

We also did filets, and chicken, and portobellos. It’s fantastic. With home-made aioli, and of course fries. Because fryer. But wait, something is missing...

Why are we pouring crème anglaise into this mixer?


Nitrogen Soft Serve! And also...

DIPPING DOTS! Happy Friday from us nerds to you nerds. 👊❤️

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