Sovereign Elector Profile picture

Jun 5, 2021, 8 tweets

:~0- :STATUS.
[Its fairly simple to prove that the Prosecutor/or District Attorney does not have a valid claim.
They must first get your consent (on record) that you are
THE NAME they called when the proceeding started.
THAT NAME is a corporate entity (fiction).]

:~1- [When the Clerk calls YOUR NAME as [DE]fendant/case # (stay in the gallery-say nothing)
DO NOT cross the Bar (entering into a foreign vessel in dry dock) or you are accepting the terms and rules of the flag in the courtroom (Contracting by Consent with the government).]

:~2- [The claim will not be against you the Man or Woman.
It will always be against the FICTION NAME they are trying to get you to [RE]present. They need to establish that on record FIRST to hold YOU [acc]ountable.]

:~3- [Make your [APP]earance from the gallery only.
"I'm here in propria persona making a special [APP]earance as Grantor & beneficiary of the [e]state
[be][ing] [a]dministered in this case relating to the NAMED [DE]FENDANT. I am NOT here in a [RE]presentative capacity.]

:~4- [For the record, I [re]serve [a]ll Rights at [a]ll times, & waive none."
(This will probably not be well [re]ceiv[ed])

:~5- [With all due [RE]spect [JU]dge (not his courtroom)
I'm here to help [a]dminister this matter for the [be]nefit of the court.If the prosecutor has a valid claim [a]gainst me the man/woman who is [be]neficiary to the [e]state of the [de]fendant....]

:~6- [ let me SEE it & I'll tell you if I'm the named party or not."
[A]sk the prosecutor/DA to present the verified claim [a]gainst YOU, the man or woman (NOT the Fiction Entity).]
*[STAY OUT OF THE COURTS if at all possible.
unless your 100% confident in holding YOUR court.]

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