Robert Walker Profile picture
Management School Professor-Quantitative Methods/Data Scientist, Dad, Arsenal fan, political economy, applied statistics, R. Personal account. (he/him/his)

Jun 5, 2021, 38 tweets

You really otter be at #cascadiaRconf....

May as well try to thread tweets.

Governments can deliver service value. They can also generate public goods in data and analysis! Look at this amazing collection! #cascadiaRconf…

Move at the speed of `trust`! What a great mantra for data science team leads internally and data science groups in bigger organizations! @stephhazlitt gives a recipe for success in incorporating R into BC government. #cascadiaRconf…

Next up, sharing R with pagedown...

R Users are not designers... I feel seen!


Though that does not mean that designers are not SUPER welcome [saves so many blushes for people that are terrible at it like me]


The solution: {pagedreport} an accessible beautiful package and template collection for .pdf reporting from R


Now to gaps in data accessibility using R Shiny....


Putting data on the internet doesn't mean it is actually publicly accessible, it often means publicly available [at great cost to potential users]


Solving those barriers....

Reproducible research with NMFS Reports....

The to-do list...

The glory of markdown....

Q and A. accessible through and through....

A new session: Shiny


yield SARD, a quartz rock, that can be shined to make it Shiny!!!!

The capture for the aforementioned text....

{ggirl} ggplots in real life by @skyetetra

And, come Tuesday, it will apparently be able to handle generative aRt!!!! Missed the slide.


Next up, Joe Cheng shows how to extend Tableau using R and Shiny

Why do we care about Tableau is a question that I have often asked.

{shinytableau} oh my.... tableau can violin plot [but not without R]

200+ lines in two languages or 67 in R. Personally, still asking the why tableau question.....

And the Q&A to conclude this session....

oohhhh.... {shinyvalidate} never seen that.

New session: sharing R love....


First up, Kate Hertwick on coordination and collaboration in teams using R. Teams of all kinds....


@k8hert says: facilitate participation by all in a distributed tech product....

It is tech and people and you have to pay attention to both....

Next up is @kdillmcfarland on being the first bioinformatician in a department.

R users know how wonderful it is. Marketing it internally is important: @kdillmcfarland discusses the importance of getting buy-in through workshops, office hours, and making things accessible and obviously useful.

Experts have to model vulnerability and learning because no one knows everything. So true.

Next up is Chante Davis presenting her work with Emily Markowitz and Diana Dishman on teaching colleagues to use R.

Find community and identified needs:

The good kind of conspiracy:

A great talk! The recipe for success:

Now to the Q&A

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