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Jun 5, 2021, 8 tweets

Look who's back thru the revolving door... head of the DOJ Criminal Division Benczkowski, who was all top DOJ guy on DJT's Transition team...


I don't remember this Venezuela angle in the Giuliani Ukraine corruption saga... it also involves Benczkowski 👀

A wealthy Venezuelan hosted Giuliani as he pursued Ukraine campaign. Then Giuliani lobbied the Justice Department on his behalf.…

@washingtonpost needs 4 bylines to cover Giuliani's goings-on 🤦‍♂️

It seems Rudy's corruption adventures are Transnational!

Venezuela energy exec Alejandro Betancourt López

"a striking example of how Trump’s lawyer has continued to offer his services to foreign clients with interests before the U.S. government while working on behalf of the president"

Some might call it 100% corrupt Banana Republic type stuff... 😏

Rudy was already gonna be in Madrid for "something else"

He's very efficient with handling multiple Quid Pro Quos!

Venezuelan elite guy gets $1.8 Billion contract to build power plants for Hugo Chavez 🤔

Derwick Associates - not a very Venezuelan name

They totally denied taking bribes!

Purchased a 23 million Euro Spanish castle estate, hmm...

Rudy at a meeting about Betancourt with Benczkowski at DOJ at same time SDNY investigating Parnas and Fruman 👀

Lead defendant in PDVSA July 2018 Corruption case is Francisco Convit Guruceaga, Betancourt's cousin!

Parnas and Fruman sought dirty deals in both Ukraine and Venezuela!

Hi, Rick Perry 👋

3 Amigos gonna do hard time?

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