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μ–΄? μ˜ˆμ˜λ‹€ Law School | SolHwi aus

Jun 6, 2021, 85 tweets

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A #Solhwi au where in a smart and handsome law student, Han Joon Hwi, met the clumsy and outgoing person that barely managed to get into the Law School, Kang Sol A.

-First au
-Cringey stuffs
-Filo au
-Errors ahead
-Any resemblance to other aus is purely coincidence
-Not fully based on the certain Law School drama
-Enjoy reading!!

Kang Sol A and Han Joon Hwi main and private accounts

Law School Squad

*Don't mind the time stamps


Time skip sa first day



















Time Skip~

Flashback bago dumating si ye seul~

Present time~




Han Joon Hwi's POV









Yoo Seung Jae's POV~





The next day~

Kang Sol A's POV


Han Joon Hwi's POV









(Look at the time stamps)



The next day~









Time Skip (After class)~~~




Yan na, short update lang muna tayo mga marecakes, bukas na ulit or sa susunod na araw na ulit ako mag-uupdate mwehehehe. Goodnight, sleep well y'all!










Sorry mga marecakes di ako nakapag-ud kahapon, pinagalitan kasi ako ng mama ko ei, puro daw ako cp HAHAHA, pero anyways, try ko mag-ud mamaya

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