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EST. 2018, we are an org of Black Americans who believe people should control production in a democratic + decentralized way.

Jun 6, 2021, 6 tweets

@__proseccopapi Re: Mussolini and Lenin:

Read “Role and Functions of the Trade Unions Under the New Economic Policy” by Lenin (here:…), Lenin on State Capitalism (here:…), then “On the Corporate State” by Mussolini (here:…).

@__proseccopapi Mussolini considered himself the “Lenin of Italy” at one point in time (see page 284 here:…) and genuinely admired him (see page 96 here:…).

@__proseccopapi Lenin apparently addressed a delegation of Italian Socialists in Moscow (after Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome) and stated:

“What a waste that we lost Mussolini. He is a first-rate man who would have led our party to power in Italy.”

Source on page 15:…

@__proseccopapi Also worth noting that Lenin praised forces headed by Mussolini and others within the Italian Socialist Party back in 1912 after they were able to take power internally (see pages 83 and 84 here:…).

@__proseccopapi Re: “left wing” of the Nazi Party, “Bolshevism,” them being taken out by Hitler, and Nazi operationalization of “socialist” rhetoric:

See here:…, here:…, here:…, and here: (basic stuff).

@__proseccopapi You can find more information on the second point regarding links between the “left wing” of the Nazi Party and admiration for elements of “Bolshevism” via fascist writings directly (and the writings of Otto Strasser in particular).

See the link below:


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