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Jun 6, 2021, 18 tweets

Today in pulp: True Cases of Women in Crime!

Now this is complicated...

True Cases of Women in Crime was also known as True Crime...

...True Stories of Women in Crime...

...and Women in Crime True Fact Detective Cases.

These are all basically the same magazine.

However it should NOT be confused with True Crime Exposé...

...All True Crime Annual...

...All True Fact Crime Cases...

...or True Detective Cases from Police Files. These are different magzines with their own unique angle.

Similarly True Cases of Women in Crime IS NOT THE SAME as True Crime Cases...

...True Crime Detective...

...Best True Fact Detective...

...or Special Detective True Crime Cases. Again these are DIFFERENT magazines as you can tell from their covers.

True Cases of Women in Crime is certainly very different to Real Detective...

...Crime Detective...

...Startling Detective...

...or Line-Up Detective Crime. I mean that's just obvious.

Don't even get me started on Uncensored Detective...

So there you have it: True Cases of Women in Crime is a unique publication and you should accept no substitute!

More true fact-based police detective real crime another time...

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