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Jun 6, 2021, 7 tweets

It's all good news in Israel as long as Change Bloc maintains 61+ vote majority

Doesn't matter how rightwing PM Bennett is. Bibi ousted!

Israel’s likely leadership change prompts a hasty rethinking in Washington
By Anne Gearan…

Calling Bibi's exit a huge relief is an understatement

He is the TOC Underboss in Israel and an ally of the GOP Enterprise

The way leading GOPigs rallied to Bibi's side as the Change Bloc majority was confirmed shows how sad they are to see him lose power

Trump and Bibi formed an unprecedented political alliance

Bound by Jeffrey Epstein's kompromat factory? 😏

The young liberal Dems are Justice Dem controlled oppo...

the pro-Democracy center-left needs to Vote Them Out!

Bibi had Chutzpah, and Mossad's global cyberhacked secrets, eh?

Biden White House probably celebrating as soon as Bibi ouster official 🎉

Bennett and Lapid cemented their agreement right after Blinken's low-key visit...hmm!!

Increased bipartisanship and consensus policymaking in Israel will be an inspiration to world democracies (with authoritarianism on the rise everywhere)

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