Akhilesh Mishra Profile picture
CEO, BlueKraft Digital Foundation. All views personal.

Jun 7, 2021, 5 tweets

Here is what happened. #ModiSpeech

India's Vaccination policy from 16th Jan-30th April was progressing as per scientific advice.

But entire opposition demanded that States be given more purchasing powers.
@RahulGandhi, @AnandSharmaINC, @MamataOfficial & @ArvindKejriwal.

GOI, in tune with cooperative federalism spirit, and also because Health is primarily a state subject, liberalized vaccination administration from 1st May.

States could now directly but 25% of stocks.

Result - immediate U-turn by EXACT same Opposition. 2/5 #ModiSpeech

U-turns not limited to just decentralization process alone.

Multiple states announced FREE vaccination drive in all grandeur but then turned to GOI to get that promise fulfilled!

In reality, the Opposition states were JUST DOING abysmal and low-level politics. 3/5


Horrendous politics of Opposition just did not stop.

1. @yadavakhilesh first said "BJP vaccines" then asked for vaccination for all
2. @ManishTewari reached a new low
3. Maharashtra unable to vaccinate efficiently
4. Chhattisgarh inciting people against COVAXIN

#ModiSpeech 4/5

Some of the other gems are beyond disgusting.

1. Congress & @ShashiTharoor's flip-flops on exports
2. Rahul Bajaj @NDTV's stunts
3. @ShekharGupta's outlet @ThePrintIndia leading No-vaccination campaign

Thus fitting that GOI has changed vaccination policy. #ModiSpeech 5/5

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