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Jun 8, 2021, 7 tweets

Details of Trump's soft coup continue to come out... 👀…

Uhh...sure seems like time for Schumer to tee up another Jan. 6th Commission vote!

Capitol Police had intelligence indicating an armed invasion weeks before Jan. 6 riot, Senate probe finds
By Karoun Demirjian…

Capitol Police Intel knew WEEKS before Jan. 6th about a possible violent planned attack? 😱

Is this 15-pg memo where the damning details at the END gonna be like that notorious Challenger space shuttle disaster memo about the O-rings?

How do warnings about violent attacks get buried like that?

And I still remember how GOP FBIDIR Wray didn't have the time to testify he'll testify in JUNE after this report came out!

Yes, it's true, we need to be better prepared for the next MAGA attack

But we still need to fully examine & prosecute THIS ATTACK

GOP Senators like Blunt and Portman soooo ready to turn the page on Jan. 6th

To talk about Appropriations 🤔

Why are they so eager to bury the GOP culpability?

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