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Jun 8, 2021, 7 tweets

Is this nail in the coffin for highly-destructive Pebble Mine plan?

Alaska Native corporation to protect its land, dealing blow to massive gold mine project
By Joshua Partlow and Juliet Eilperin…

Pedro Bay Corp. tribal org. vote authorizes Conservation Fund easements on 44,000 critical acres, cutting off a key Pebble Mine road!

Maybe Pebble folks can go to prison w/Trump instead? 😏

Lake Iliamna is a new vacation dream destination for me, and I don't even fish!

The best salmon spawning region in the entire world!

If you want to protect key salmon habitat, donate to the Pedro Bay Conservation Fund!

Why are so many bad polluting companies Canadian?

Northern Dynasty Minerals

Terrible project devised & enabled by Trump Admin cronies

And Murkowski initially supported it!

Salmon research at U. Of Washington led to discovery of Lake Iliamna being most productive spawning area in the world

10-year plan to conserve the land ❤

Sacred ground protected Forever.

Thanks, Biden!

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