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Jun 8, 2021, 10 tweets

LIVE NOW: @DanWilliams and @farrellreporter answer your questions about Israel politics on @reddit.

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Based on the current chaos, will there be a power struggle?

There are now parallel, though different, power struggles in Israel and the Palestinian territories, explains @DanWilliams

What are other big issues in Israeli politics?

@DanWilliams: Israel is a Jewish state trying to figure out what that means.

@farellreporter: I would say that the Palestinian conflict is not even the issue uppermost in Israelis’ minds most of the time

Given that Israel was a main supporter of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, why hasn't Azerbaijan returned the favor?

@DanWilliams answers:

What is something about the situation the world might not know?

One common misconception is about the Green Line, the armistice line that separated Israeli-held territory from Jordanian-held territory from 1949 until 1967, explains @farellreporter

Why is there such a big media presence in Israel, but so little (comparatively) in other Middle Eastern countries?

It’s not just Israel, there is also a large media presence in Gaza and in Ramallah, @farrellreporter explains.

More here:

Tl;dr of the situation from @DanWilliams:
The most that either side is willing to give is less than the least that the other side is willing to accept

Here’s a more detailed explanation:…

What role will Abbas take in future Israel politics?

For now, Abbas says his priority is addressing the more material needs of Israel’s 21% Arab minority, says @DanWilliams. As an Islamist, he may even have inroads with Hamas

What does the Palestinian Authority’s long-term policy for statehood look like at this point?

@farrellreporter explains:

Thank you for tuning in! Find the full @reddit AMA with answers by Middle East correspondents @farrellreporter and @DanWilliams here:…

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