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Jun 8, 2021, 11 tweets

In the first paragraph of Jan. 6 Senate report - I'm already frustrated. "FBI and DHS officials stressed the difficulty in discerning constitutionally protected free speech versus
actionable, credible threats of violence."…

"In testimony before the Committees, officials from both 2 FBI and DHS acknowledged that the Intelligence Community needs to improve its handling and
dissemination of threat information from social media and online message boards." Ugh....

If FBI & DHS had done an intel assessment based on social media postings of Trump supporters, and disseminated it around USG, what do you think would happen? 'spying on Trump campaign', 'Deep State'....'peaceful protest'

There's only a few state/local/smaller police departments that have capacity & training to do proactive intelligence that was needed on Jan. 6

alternative perspective, USCP didn't think the President's supporters would attack cops.

Cognitive dissonance?

important point from the report, DoD's hesitance on Jan. 6 after politicization the previous summer during George Floyd protests

Seems an acting Attorney General at DoJ would be the point for defense on Jan. 6. Which would have been about 13 days after assuming the role from Barr. 'Death of the administrative state' wasn't that what Bannon was hoping for? Seems like we got there

For @DHSgov USCP - recommendations call for intel training, capability development, DHS already paid for this years ago, its in their catalog. Guess what scenario is: armed protests occupy & then attack local municipal buildings (not joking) circa 2012…

I'm aware of this, because I wrote the scenario, developed this curriculum with @NJOHSP they were ahead of their time in preparing their frontline law enforcement and emergency response personnel.

All of the recommendations seem reasonable and smart, but....Congress can't even agree on what the intelligence community is permitted to discuss in domestic space. Consistent pushback to DHS analysis, IC reports on U.S. persons.

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