Justin Kan Profile picture
From the bottom to the top & back again. Co-founded @twitch, now working on making videos, https://t.co/J6efUJZmLI https://t.co/TLYT8YIKok @rye

Jun 8, 2021, 5 tweets

Cool things I learned from @balajis:

[A thread]

Building a city

- Vote with feet + wallet
- Coordinate with social
- Crowd-fund with crypto
- Migrate with mobile


The entire history of China and Deng Xiaoping in 8 minutes...

Woke v capitalist v crypto capital and why we should get paid every cent for our digital labor


Why you should stop using Google now, the great tech solar eclipse, command line searches for thought criminal

The decentralization and unbundling of big tech


Excited to share with you this conversation with one of the most incredible minds I have ever met.

Welcome to @balajis' world.

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