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Creative Director of the world's best History Channel https://t.co/R6CMLAObl3 | I host the Dan Snow’s @HistoryHit podcast

Jun 9, 2021, 9 tweets

In which I get triggered for being called unpatriotic:

Here are some things that I consider unpatriotic; showing a lack of regard for this nation's people, traditions and law.

First: illegally shutting down Parliament, and in the process lying to or, at best, not being totally open with the Queen.

Giving a seat in our legislature to someone who donates money to keep you in power.

If that was in Africa we would issuing high minded ethics lectures.

Not showing up to emergency meetings about an obviously catastrophic imminent pandemic.

Illegally awarding government contracts.

Making straightforwardly diametrically untrue statements about the most serious constitutional matters to the electorate in order to win power.


Attempting to delay and obfuscate a Parliamentary report into *checks notes despite head wreck so severe I'm struggling to read* Russian interference in our politics.

And, as the excellent @redhistorian points out regularly, it is unpatriotic to sideline, bully and marginalise our elected representatives sitting in Parliament and prevent them from discharging their duty to sustain, advise and scrutinise the government on our behalf.

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