Quinta Jurecic Profile picture
senior editor @lawfare, fellow @BrookingsInst, contributing writer @TheAtlantic & @washingtonpost's Book World. views my own, RTs = @infinite_scream.

Jun 9, 2021, 11 tweets

McGahn transcript has some good absurdist dialogue judiciary.house.gov/uploadedfiles/…

all that litigation, for this

executive privilege, boy, I don't know


McGahn's father was taught by Roy Cohn in law school, which I suppose is mildly amusing

ironically, the R side seems to be chafing a lot more than the D side at the constraints imposed by the committee agreement w DOJ. Steve Castor (remember him?) keeps trying to get McGahn to say that the Mueller investigation was a witch hunt and so on and McGahn keeps not biting

practically beckett

on page 125, the first piece of new information! McGahn was the source for the Washington Post story clarifying that he hadn't directly told Trump he would resign if Mueller was fired (in response to a slightly-less-accurate NYT story for which he was not the source)

if this seems like inside baseball to you, well, that is exactly what it is

and fin. there is ... not a lot new here, folks.

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