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Jun 10, 2021, 9 tweets

NIMASA is ready to deploy Tekever AR3 UAVs for Deep Blue maritime security project. As we all know the President flagged off the NIMASA Deep Blue Project today.

The four unmanned aerial vehicles will accord NIMASA a sustainable round the clock surveillance system from the sky, providing real time intell. The drone was delivered late 2020. However operators had to go through months of extensive training by foreign specialists.

The Portuguese built drone is designed to support maritime and land based missions, including ISR/ISTAR, infrastructure surveillance and communications support operations.

The AR3 can stay airborne for 16 hours and can be launched from ships using a catapult. It can carry 4 kilograms of payload, including electro optical and infrared sensors as well as laser illuminators and communications relay systems.

Remember NIMASA recently took delivery of two CJ3 maritime patrol plane and Leonardo AW109 helicopters, Special Mission Vessels and Fast attack/Interceptor boats.

Simply put, if NIMASA had its own flag it will be the second most powerful and most sophisticated navy in West Africa. Second only the Nigerian navy. This gives you an idea how far ahead the Nigerian navy is.

NIMASA has received 17 fast interceptor boats, 15 armored vehicles, and two special mission vessels.

NIMASA's air arm consist of two CJ-3 special mission aircraft, or maritime patrol plane colloquially. The Israeli built CJ-3 is one of the most sophisticated aircraft of its class in the world.

NIMASA recently took delivery of two Leonardo AW108 helicopters. Bringing its rotary wing assets to six.

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