Maria Berlin Profile picture
Econ assistant professor @SITEStockholm Research on gender gaps, gender-based violence, prostitution, but also corruption, attention, dev aid. Spread too thin.

Jun 10, 2021, 12 tweets

This is how countries rank all in all, compared to Sweden and Greece, historically the best and worst performer in the EIGE index within EU. The components of the index reveal however interesting details. 2/n

Work: the extent to which women and men can benefit from equal access to employment and good working conditions. When it comes to participation, some FSU countries outperform even best-in-class Sweden 3/n

...but lagging quite a bit behind in terms of segregation. 4/n

Money: access to financial resources, financial institutions and women’s and men’s economic situation. In this domain, the gap from EU countries is substantial. 5/n

Knowledge: educational attainment, and participation in education and training during the life course. Here FSU countries outperform most EU countries. However, this is a purely quantitative measure and does not reflect segregation in education... 6/n

... , which is key for future progress towards greater equality. The excellent performance in education puts the gap in labor force participation in an even worse light, since it is highly educated women which are left out of the labor force. 7/n

Time: allocation of time spent doing care and domestic work. 8/n

Power: decision-making positions across the political and economic spheres. In political representation, again the gap is very substantial. 9/n

Women are better represented in company boards in FSU countries, however in some cases this is purely on paper and does not reflect actual decision-making power. 10/n

Health: health status, health behaviour and access to health services. 11/n

The perspective over the last 5 years looks encouraging: most countries did experience convergence, improving at a faster pace than best performer Sweden (starting of course from lower levels). 12/12

.@ISET_PI coordinated an effort, cofinanced by .@Sida, to reproduce the EIGE .@eurogender gender equality index for former soviet union (FSU) countries. It was presented today in a .@FREEnetworkorg event. Here’s a short thread: 1/n

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