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Jun 10, 2021, 5 tweets

Senator Joe Manchin’s own state of West Virginia has introduced 4 bills to restrict voting access.

In October, Manchin urged early voting and absentee ballots, but is currently upholding the filibuster and blocking voting rights.

What West Virginian voter suppression bills is Joe Manchin refusing to stop? Glad you asked.

HB 2607 restricts handicapped voting and potentially ensures their vote won’t count. Curbside voters have to wait for no one to be in line in order to vote.

HB 2666 sets to put restrictions on absentee ballots.

SB 565 deals with absentee voting and purging voter roles. Voters sometimes have their names purged and only discover it when attempting to vote.

SB 516, reported by the Brennan Center, doesn’t appear to be a voting bill.

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