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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Jun 11, 2021, 13 tweets

-People’s RIghts, a far-right network founded by Ammon Bundy, put a call out for people to show up to the Oregon statehouse.

-They are opposing a floor vote to expel Rep. Mike Nearman.

-In Dec, Nearman opened a side door allowing far-right protestors to storm the statehouse.

About 30 protestors showed up, they are watching the floor vote to expel Republican Rep. Mike Nearman

One protestor is kicking at the door of the statehouse

-About 30 protestors are watching the live stream of the proceedings and heckling the representatives

-This is a much smaller crowd than the group that stormed the statehouse on dec 21st

The group of about 30 protestors cheer as Rep.Mike Nearman speaks in his defense

Lawmakers reference a video that shows Joey Gibson, the founder of the far-right group Patriot Prayer, admitting Rep. Mike Nearman allowed them in the building. Here is that video:

Here is the statehouse surveillance video that appears to show Rep. Mike Nearman allowing far-right protestors into the building

Here is video, first obtained by the @Oregonian, that shows Rep. Mike Nearman coaching supporters on how to breach the capitol

-Rep. Nearman is first Oregon legislator to be expelled.

-The crowd is moving around the building to the exits to confront lawmakers as they leave the building after voting.

Protestors heckle lawmakers as they drive out of the statehouse

-Two groups of Protesters are at both exits, heckling lawmakers as they drive out of the statehouse.

-59 to 1 vote.

-all Republicans, except for Nearman, voted for expulsion.

Small groups of protestors are still gathered heckling lawmakers as they drive away.

Read the expulsions story via @dirquez :

I am out Salem.

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