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Jun 11, 2021, 9 tweets

Ah how about

Client-Cert HTTP Header Field: Conveying Client Certificate Information from TLS Terminating Reverse Proxies to Origin Server Applications

For tonight’s light reading

Brian Campbell produces a lot of interesting things. Let’s see what’s inside.

Hooray, some attention is being given to mutual TLS

Client-Cert should only be used for the client that connects to a trusted network.
Remember how confusing X-Forwarded-For can get?
And how you have to pay cloudflare to actually give you the right one in another header?

I once tried to put RSA PGP keys into DNS. Didn’t go well.
I can see the same happening here. Time to ditch rsa for Ed25519, Ed448

I love it when examples have copy and paste examples
But maybe I’ve seen too much base64 to recognize them like faces.

I hope they permit the whole certificate chain.
It’s not enough in my eyes to just trust the endpoint.
Blocking the application capability to inspect and verify a certified public key to a trust anchor may be a significant barrier for regulated environments.

Overall, I like the simplicity this offers, I agree with the justification that it be separate from the Forwarded RFC 7239 (which I did not know about) due to complicity. Manipulating headers on the edge is such a pain.

I hope this draft improves and includes the full chain

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