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Jun 11, 2021, 8 tweets

You can create your text portrait using CSS in 5 simple steps. Let's see how


Step 1: Setting up the HTML

Create a document with a lot of lorem ipsum text so that your webpage is covered entirely by the text

Step2: Set dark background-color

A dark background will make your portrait more appealing

Step3: Set the background image

This step is divide into 3 further steps

- Set background image
- Add background no-repeat for just one image
- Position your image in the center

Step4: Clip text

As you can see in the above step our text has disappeared. We need to clip our text so that background is painted with the foreground text.

p {
-webkit-background-clip: text;

Step5: Final touch

Reduce the line spacing a little bit and that's all ๐Ÿ˜€

Check out the full source code hereโ€ฆ?

End of this thread. If you like it, give it a retweet it means a lot to me ๐Ÿ’–

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