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Jun 11, 2021, 5 tweets

From blimps of U.S. President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to activists dressed in Pikachu costumes, hundreds of protesters have targeted the G7 summit in southwest England to demand action on the climate, poverty and COVID-19 1/5

As leaders of some of the world's richest nations gather in picturesque Cornwall, so have dozens of campaign groups that want to court publicity for their causes and send a message to the Western political elite 2/5

'They should stop hoarding and start sharing - sharing the money, doses and the tech to vaccinate the world; and deliver an historic green recovery deal,' says Jamie Drummond from the Crack the Crises group which organized the blimp protest 3/5

Police have mounted a major security operation for the summit, with thousands of officers drafted in from across Britain. Some of those planning demonstrations have said they intended their protests to be noisy, disruptive and annoying 4/5

📷 from @reuterspictures as world leaders and activists descend on Cornwall for the G7 summit 5/5

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