Scott Duncan Profile picture
Scottish meteorologist based in London | MMet @UniofReading | Former co-owner @wxcharts | opinions are my own

Jun 11, 2021, 10 tweets

Antarctica is ridiculously cold right now.

It is deep winter down there with the relentless night. But it is significantly colder than normal.

It is so cold, it is having an impact on the global temperature anomaly.


A lot of heat in Northern Hemisphere across many continents over the coming days but Antarctica sticks out like a sore thumb.

Map via @khaustein

This is the jet stream. The fast river of winds encircles the deep cold. Mesmerising right?

But right now, we have a strong jet and polar vortex locking the extreme cold over the ice sheets.

I spoke to @SimonLeeWx for his take and "the Antarctic Oscillation is strongly positive and projected to remain so"

Also we have a "well coupled with stratospheric vortex".

These superb graphic are by @zd1awrence, please check out his website for more:

Having this strong coupling sustained at a time of year where there is zero daylight, can allow the cold to intensify like we are seeing.

This is the anomaly for month so far and the 7 day forecast.

🔵 = colder than normal
🔴 = warmer than normal

A lot of people will have heard of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex in the southern hemisphere is much more powerful than the one we see in the north

It is a formidable beast at this time of year.

The main reasons for this intense cold:

- Strong positive Antarctic Oscillation (…)
- Having a strong and well coupled stratospheric vortex
- This combination being sustained for many days during the depths of the long winter night.

But there are uncertainties. Interesting points by @khaustein

Antarctica likes to do its own thing sometimes!

Other weather extremes, climate graphics and more over on instagram


Some news from the freezer...

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