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Jun 11, 2021, 5 tweets

Live on @MSNBC:

AG Garland delivers major policy speech on voting rights.

"There are many things that are opened to debate in America, but the right of all eligible citizens to vote is not one of them. The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, the right from which all other rights ultimately flow," AG Garland says.

WATCH: AG Garland says civil rights division of DOJ will double enforcement staff in the next 30 days to protect the right to vote.

"As the president has said, we need Congress to pass S. 1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which would provide the Department with the tools it needs," AG Garland says.

"Democracy is not a state, it is an act. And each generation must do its part. Thanks to all of your work, the Department of Justice will always stand up to ensure the survival of the central pillar of our democracy," AG Garland says.

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