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Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning and meaninglessness; self and society; ethics, purpose, and value.

Jun 11, 2021, 7 tweets

🚂 Steam locomotive under construction. Brand new, not a restoration! Nevada Railroad Museum, Carson City. A must for engineering geeks in the region

🚂 This one is a restoration and it’s stunning

🚂 A Victorian tech giant: Baldwin was the world’s biggest maker of steam locomotives. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_L…

🚂 Being a locomotive designer/builder in the early days must have been exhilarating—so many open possibilities, obvious ideas no one had tried!

But, actually, nothing is ever so easy: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_L…

Same in software… When I got started, the space was wide open, and it was easy to do something exciting and new.

In 1981, I implemented a sophisticated hypertext system, with markup and CGI-like features for arbitrary server code execution, on the MIT CADR Lisp Machine.

I planned to use my hypertext system as a documentation server for the Lisp Machine manual (known as the Chine Nual, for obvious reasons).

Unfortunately the Lispms were literally hand-made, and so crashed every few hours. A server was infeasible. news.ycombinator.com/item?id=151869…

BTW, have I mentioned that I invented the iPhone in 1977? metarationality.com/pocket-computer

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