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Jun 12, 2021, 13 tweets

Cosplay antivaxxer group which included Black Panther characters holding signs comparing vaccine requirements to segregation, targeted Disney’s new Marvel theme park to spread vaccine disinformation.

Ask @AskPayPal and @VenmoSupport to suspend “Visforvaccine.”

Antivaxxers in costume as Queen Ramonda and Shuri from Marvel’s Black Panther are holding signs calling vaccine requirements “modern day segregation.”

Traffic slowed down and visitors who were headed to the park were confronted with messages spreading fear of the covid vaccine.

“V is for Vaccine” is now raising money off this stunt.

One phone call from @Marvel @WaltDisneyWorld @Disney to @Paypal and @Venmo could shut it down.

Besides, just because Dr. Doom has “doctor” in his name, doesn’t mean we should be taking vaccine advice from him.

Members of “V is for Vaccine” attended the “#StoptheSteal” efforts in DC on January 6th. One pic shows a member on Capitol grounds, past the police barrier.

This antivaxx group promotes Trump even though Trump got the vaccine himself and tries to take credit for it.

Also, Trump suggested people inject bleach. Maybe they should be protesting that instead.

Additional pics of Black Panther antivaxx cosplayers comparing vaccine requirements to segregation.

In this universe, Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom are antivaxx quacks.

The group has even had a fake Trump actor with them and stood outside Trump rallies trying to push their message.

One of the founders for “V is for Vaccine” has appeared on InfoWars.

V is For Vaccine was founded by Joshua Coleman and Olivia Mikos.

The group posts memes to social media comparing Jim Crow segregation to vaccination requirements.

Stacey Dash appeared in a V is For Vaccine promotional video along with failed Republican candidate Kim Klacik.

“I just want to thank all the V for Vaccine activists, you know, for going out and spreading vaccine information all over the country.”

Despite covid’s body count, Ice-T endorsed the antivaxxer group’s activities in a video used to fundraise for events like the one at Disney.

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