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A student of the beautiful game ⚽ Occasionally expressing my thoughts for @sportskeeda ✍🏻

Jun 12, 2021, 6 tweets

|Anatomy of a Goal - #Euro2021 Edition|

Matchday 1 - Ciro Immobile vs Turkey (66') #ITATUR
[ Phases inspired by @EricLaurie ]

Part 1: Transition from defence to attack
Jorginho and Barella pressing Calhanoglu to retain possession within 4 seconds of losing it.


Part 2: Buildup & Progression

- Barella's quick feet and dribbling against pressure
- Barella scanning the middle third for a split second to find Locatelli in acres of space
- Beautiful outside-of-the-boot pass to find Locatelli


Part 2: Buildup & Progression (Contd.)

- Locatelli has Spinazzola and Insigne for support on the left-wing
- As the three Italians drag the Turkish midfield wide, a lot of space offered for the incoming Barella who made a brilliant run to exploit it. A blunder by Turkey.


Part 3: Creativity

As Barella receives the ball in Zone 14, the movement of the Italian front-three is commendable. The trio offers so many avenues for Barella to play into, it’s like a plethora of possible chances that could be created.


Part 3: Creativity (Contd.)

- Barella chooses to go for Berardi on the right side
- For the first goal, Berardi had dribbled on the outside, so Meras is cautioned
- Berardi goes for a 3rd alternative, picking out the incoming Spinazola on the left edge of the 18-yard box.


Part 3: Creativity (Contd.)

- Spinazzola controls the ball and cuts in to take a shot
- Immobile does just enough to reduce the sight of the Turkish stopper Ugurcan Cakir
- After Cakir unconvincingly saves Spinazzola's effort, Immobile has an easy finish into the far post


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