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Jun 12, 2021, 6 tweets


The officers who led team of Pakistan Army in International Cambrian Patrol Exercise in UK & stood first among top armies of the world. Pakistan has won Cambrian Patrol Exercise in 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018.

In 2010, senior British Army officer while announcing 1st position of Exercise Cambrian Patrol said:

"We have an army which has sacrificed a lot to make this world a better and safer place, and now they've come here and have proven themselves to the best of the best".

After 2010 till 2015, Pakistan couldn't won gold medal in Cambrian Patrol Exercise because a major part of it was committed in counterterrorism operations. In 2011, Pakistan Army won Silver Medal (2nd Position) in Cambrian Patrol Exercise.

Captain Hassan Ali from Gilgit Baltistan won PATS competition in Pakistan and then led the team of Pakistan Army in Cambrian Patrol Exercise in UK in 2018 to secure 1st position (Gold Medal) in the world beating the armies of India, USA, France, Israel and Russia etc.

When Indian officer appreciated the performance of Captain Tauseef (Team Leader Pakistan Army) during Cambrian Patrol Exercise 2015.

Armies of 140 countries participate in Cambrian Patrol Exercise including armies of NATO & almost all the western countries.

PATS Competition is considered one of the toughest military competitions in the world for which the participating units of Army train for almost an year. The winner of PATS competition in Pakistan then represents Pakistan in Cambrian Patrol Exercise in UK.

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