The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Jun 13, 2021, 7 tweets

.@JesseBWatters says we got catfish last year. All of the lies was to install Biden.

.@JesseBWatters says this is not an attack on science it’s a criticism about Fauci. Deal with it like a man.

.@JesseBWatters says @MaraGay shows the press is broken. People fly the American flag because they love this country.

.@JesseBWatters says can you believe how unimpressive And incompetent these so called journalist are.

.@TuckerCarlson tells @JesseBWatters His opening was perfect. We did get catfish in 2020.

.@TuckerCarlson tells @JesseBWatters about coming face-to-face with an MS 13 member.

.@JesseBWatters says people like @MaraGay won’t cover topics like MS 13. Well maybe she would if they had American flag.

@TuckerCarlson says only in a world with privilege could someone so stupid have so much influence. Clearly she’s benefiting from unearned privilege.

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