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Jun 13, 2021, 12 tweets

Quitting tobacco 🚭 can be challenging but there are more than 💯 reasons to #CommitToQuit & start living a healthier life.

Find out more 👉…

Tobacco use harms your cardiovascular system 🫀.

Every year, almost 2⃣ million people 🌎🌏🌍 die from tobacco-induced heart disease.

To avoid this, #CommitToQuit tobacco now 👉…

1⃣ in 5⃣ deaths from heart disease is caused by tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke.

#CommitToQuit tobacco now 👉…

It is estimated that 5-15% of a smoker’s disposable income is spent on tobacco.

How much money do you waste hurting your health❓

#CommitToQuit tobacco now 👉…

🚨Tobacco threatens the health of people around you
🚨Tobacco use has negative social consequences
🚨Tobacco affects your looks

There are 1⃣0⃣0⃣ more reasons for you to #CommitToQuit tobacco 👉…

🚨Tobacco breaks hearts
🚨Tobacco causes over 20 types of cancer
🚨Tobacco harms almost every organ of the body

If that’s not enough for you to quit tobacco, here are 💯 more reasons 👉…


😱reduces your fertility
😱diminishes sperm count
😱causes persistent erectile dysfunction

To avoid all of this, quit tobacco now!
👉… #NoTobacco

Using tobacco makes you look older faster and causes

👎🏼 Bad breath
👎🏼 Wrinkly skin
👎🏼 Yellow teeth
👎🏼 Dry skin

There are 💯 more reasons for you to #CommitToQuit tobacco 👉… #NoTobacco

Women who smoke/are exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy 🤰 are at an increased risk of miscarriage & fetal death.

#CommitToQuit tobacco now for you and the health of your baby 👉… #NoTobacco

Using tobacco harms the people around you including friends, family, young children and babies.

#CommitToQuit tobacco now for you and the health of your loved ones 👉… #NoTobacco

Tobacco products are made of extremely toxic materials including:

7⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣ chemicals
at least 2⃣5⃣0⃣ are known to be harmful
at least 6⃣9⃣ are known to cause cancer

#CommitToQuit tobacco now 👉… #NoTobacco

Smoking causes diseases:

• Respiratory infections
• Cancers
• Heart disease
• Osteoporosis
• Blindness
• Infertility
• Impotence

And more… #CommitToQuit - Sign the pledge 👇

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